Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sicilian Lemon Thyme cake

這是英國甜點名廚Eric Lanlard的食譜, 特別的是用磅蛋糕+戚風蛋的作法,讓蛋糕體沒有磅蛋糕又甜又硬及戚風又乾又輕的質感,其實歐食譜比較少見用戚風的方法去做蛋糕,這次看到這食譜就決定來試試,口感很新鮮!

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Chocolate Orange Brick Cake

香澄巧克力磚,為了消耗ㄧ堆的苦巧克力,這食譜真好吃!裡面有甜橙的果粒和苦甜巧克力,味道非常飽和,我覺得若加點酒會更有層次,但好吃ㄧ切都直得了!祝大家假期愉快!食譜出自於150 Baking Recipes,剛把食譜翻好了,有興趣的人可以試試:
2顆 甜橙 
85g 苦甜巧克力(切碎) 
250g 自發麵粉 
1.5匙 發粉(泡打粉) 
175g 無塩奶油(外加一些塗在模具上)
200g 糖
3顆 蛋
175g 糖粉
2大匙 橙汁
55g 苦甜巧克力(隔水加熱)
1. 烤箱160度預熱,模具抺油撒粉備用。
2. 取一甜橙刨皮屑,之後把外層白色的皮再切除,取果肉,切小塊,果肉外層的薄膜也要去除,不然吃到口感不好,另一顆刨皮切成細絲,取其果汁,另留二大匙起來,放一旁備用。
3. 奶油和糖打至澎鬆泛白,加入雞蛋打勻,一顆一顆加,加入過篩的麵粉和泡打粉,再加入剛刨的甜橙皮屑及果汁(除了另留的二大匙外),拌至均勻。
4. 加入甜橙果粒及切碎的巧克力拌勻,勿過度攪拌,完成後填入模具中,烘烤160度,40分鐘(我的烤箱熱度不均,我烤了50分),至上色,竹籤插入是乾淨的,在模中留5分鐘再脫模,放涼

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Grandma's old fashion lemon cake(sponge cake)

Finally I succeed in beating whole eggs whisking method!! dedicate to my love love grandma~

Mango cheese tart

My sister-in-law gave me a big bag of condensed mango juice, The flavor is not as rich as fresh mango, but still got the mango fragrance, I added few tea spoons in the cheese mix , bang!so fresh and taste fragrantly!

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Lemon yoghourt pound cake

I had bad day today, but still working on my photos to keep myself away from the bad mood. I just love the moment when I working on those photos, i always feel very energetic and joyful and result always comes very satisfactory!

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Super rich chocolate pound cake

my super rich chocolate pound cake,for lovely sunny day!

Lemon yogurt pound cake

sweet cake for cloudy day.wish you a good day!
The recipe comes from Pilger , a kindest blogger I’ve ever seen , she always reply visitor’s message no matter how long it’s been left. Her recipe is always so popular in my family especially the two kids!

Perfect hand-shaking cream

How to make whipping cream into fluffy and shiny dessert topping? a very easy and convenient way to make fresh and delicious cream, no more washing works to do ! you only need a clean jar(room temperature is fine),filled the jar about halfway full with cold heavy whipping cream, then star shaking hardly until you won’t hear any liquid, if you want to add sugar you can add about 10% of cream you pour, but no sugar is also work! no longer than 2 minutes! success rate is too high to believe! try it now!

Homemade taost with bacon,cheese and fried eggs

It is perfect for Friday night. Homemade toast with some leftover from last night ! If you’re interesting about the  recipe, please let me know!